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Our work

Let some of our valued partners 
tell their story.

“FRENZ has high export standards to meet. AWS gives us total peace of mind.”

FRENZ eggs are 100% organic, which means everything, including the egg washing and sanitising must be done using organic products.

AWS was recommended to us by a regulatory organisation, to help support our organic status, which is something we depend on.

All AWS products we use have organic certification, helping our eggs remain Biogro certified and “kitchen safe”. We even had an independent expert test their Envirolyte® technology for effectiveness against the most hazardous pathogens we encounter, and confirm it was organic. It sailed through.

This is very satisfying and gives us total peace of mind with our large export shipments.

Rob Darby

“AWS solved the issue with innovative products and procedures.”

AWS started helping us six years ago, when we had a bacteria issue with our environment swabs. They solved the issue with innovative products and procedures.

We are a food processing business. Selecting the right chemicals to ensure food safety is critical to us. They must be food grade and certified with MPI.

From the get-go, AWS have been terrific. To get on top our problem with the swabs we asked them to run a trial for a month. They observed our staff cleaning and sanitising procedures and provided a full report with recommendations. The APC levels dropped drastically, with no pathogens in the environment samples. To this day, AWS train our staff in chemical handling, storage and safety. They have taken ownership of the chemical servicing and provide a monthly report. Their staff are always pleasant and energetic.

Their secret is they take care of us like we were their own company. The customer service is always outstanding, they have all the chemicals we need, and the prices are very competitive.

Iroshan Kariyawasam

“Whatever a potential customer requires AWS will be able to provide the right answer”

Rapid Facility Services is a specialist cleaning business with some complex and demanding contracts. These include anti-microbial treatments in food manufacturing businesses, and we are often engaged to clean prior to food safety audits.

We needed a chemical supplier that had the ability to listen to our requirements and manufacture products accordingly.

Working together, we have created several bespoke solutions. Going forward, we know whatever a potential customer requires, we have the full support of AWS and will be able to provide the right answer.

Richard and his team are a pleasure to work with and I would recommend them to anyone.

Paul Schoch
Rapid Facility Services

“AWS has been invaluable”

Watercare operates a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Omaha, with some of the final effluent used locally to irrigate the Omaha Golf Course.

In 2012 we installed an Envirolyte® unit to trial Ank Neutral Anolyte, wanting to remove solids and nutrients that had built up in our pipework.

The trial proved very successful at removing the biomass growth and reducing our maintenance costs. The unit was purchased, and we’ve never looked back.

A real bonus has been keeping the Golf Course head greenkeeper happy with few if any blocked subsurface emitters and far more even watering of his fairways.

While the Envirolyte® unit has been very reliable, AWS has been invaluable in providing prompt spares and service when needed. Richard is always readily available by phone and email with advice and help.

I would highly recommend AWS’s products and service.

Alistair Chisholm

Blog Article - Safe Fogging without Down-Time

Whole room disinfection and odour control by way of chemical fogging enables difficult-to-reach places to be thoroughly disinfected and improves overall site hygiene. But often involves toxic chemistry.

ANK Neutral Anolyte, a powerful yet benign sanitiser & disinfectant can be safely fogged without the need for costly stand-down times whilst delivering better log reductions than traditional toxic chemistry.

Safe fogging without down-time using ANK Neutral Anolyte

Marvin Smith
Key Account and Business Development Manager

Blog Article - Introduction to Understanding Biofilms

Biofilms are layers of different types of pathogens including bacteria and fungi that attach to all type of surfaces. They can form on solid or liquid surfaces as well on soft tissue in living organisms and are typically resistant to conventional methods of disinfections.

They are predominantly made up of pathogenic cells encased in an extracellular polymeric (EPS) matrix which they produce. The EPS is responsible for the cohesion and adhesion (to surfaces) of the biofilm and is composed mainly of polysaccharides and proteins.

Read An Introduction to Biofilms

Don MacDonald
AWS Group Technical Manager

Blog Article - Biofilms in the Food Industry

Biofilms are complex microbial ecosystems formed by one or more species immersed in an extracellular polymeric matrix (EPS) of different compositions depending on the type of pathogen, environment and colonizing species.

In our first blog, An Introduction to Understanding Biofilm we looked at the background to biofilms and briefly described their formation and the reasons why they are of prime concern in the food and medical industries. This time we will look at the main pathogens of concern in the food industry.

Read Biofilms in the Food Industry

Don MacDonald
AWS Group Technical Manager

Blog Article - Fighting Biofilm with AWS Group

AWS Group has a number of products formulated specifically to deal with Biofilm in the food processing industry. Foremost among them is ANK Neutral Anolyte, classified as a neutral electrolysed water as opposed to acidic and alkaline types.

ANK Neutral Anolyte is produced in a patented system. The Hypochlorous Acid actives function with a similar action to that produced by Sodium Hypochlorite and Chlorine Dioxide but without the inherent safety and environmental issues.

How AWS Group can help food manufacturers to Fight Biofilm.

Don MacDonald
AWS Group Technical Manager